Information systems development
Information systems development
The increasing amount of data influence the importance of information systems in modern business environment. Without automatic information systems it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the proper and timely data processing. By combining these systems with data capture and transmission systems, a solid, fully automatized information-management system is created.
Object recognition systems
Object recognition systems - one of the most promising methods of data processing. Implementation of these systems requires an additional equipment. Information system receives the information from relevant equipment, converts it into the required format, process it and submit the result or transfer it for the storage.
This enables the system to automatize the process of identifying objects and to ensure the propriety of the process. There are a lot of ways to apply the Object recognition systems. Regarded to customer's needs it is possible to identify and to recognize visual properties, weight, volume or other object's physical properties.
Monitoring systems
For most of industrial processes a permanent observation of status is required. Monitoring system enables to observe the current processes, to collect the relevant information, also to process the information and to systematize it, to present the conclusions and operational forecasts. Monitoring system, designed by „USS enterprises“, collects data from a variety of equipment, instrumentation and sensors, processes the data and submits the information as a real-time status image. The Monitoring system's functionality is adapted to specific customer’s needs. The monitoring system installation is not dependent on manufacturer of equipment, devices or sensors.
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